Swimmers ear is actually an inflammation (body reaction) and then infection of external ear canal after swimming( water and moisture helps inflammation.)
Patient may give history of swimming. Ear canal will be edematous(swollen), with pain, itching, earblock. On scratching ,the canal skin will be injured, ulceration and secondary bacterial infection sets in. This causes ear discharge ,which can be colorless, yellow or greenish. Once it involves,the perichondrium and cartilage It becomes serious .It can also lead on to narrowing of the ear canal, perchondritis ,if not treated promptly.
Treatment depends on severity ,associated comorbidities. Need ear cleaning, topical and or oral medication.
Those who are prone, should keep a Vaseline smeared cotton plug while taking shower, or use ear moulds while swimming. Sometimes AVOIDANCE is the best prevention, in prone patients.
Very useful