Friday, September 10, 2021


September last week is celebrated as DEAF AWARENESS WEEK internationally. 
Aim is to create awareness among  hearing impaired people and others, their  human rights, needs  and to support  and rehabilitate them. 
Deafness or hearing impairment can be from birth (congenital)  due to genetic defects or in utero infection (TORCH  infection  or other infection among pregnant women ). 
Acquired causes can be due to infection be it viral  like measles, mumps , rubella or bacterial infection like pnuemoccal or other bacteria resulting in severe ear infection or meningitis. Other causes are trauma to the ear by physical impact, NIHL( noise induced hearing loss), barotrauma. Cardiovascular diseases can also result in hearing impairment. 
Genetic counselling, educate  pregnant women of various infections and proper care. Early identification of the problem by screening during neonatal  period and later at school (audiological tests)  and vaccination . 
Can give Hearing aid, or Cochlear implant  according to the pathology, so speech and language development will not be affected. Ear infections should be treated promptly. AWARENESS regarding ear safety measures among factory workers, or over use of earphones, listening to loud sound , prolonged use of ototoxic medication should be done. 
Hearing impaired people  should be  supported emotionally and economically . Have patience while talking to them, repeat the sentence again, have eye contact as they depend on lip reading. Learn sign language and make sure they understand, can also write or draw. Support them  by promoting their business, art or any enterprises started by them. Bring them back to mainstream. Motivate them to carry on with their lives and educate them regarding their human rights. 
Let's make this Deaf awareness  week   fruitful by helping those who need our hand and support them. 


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