Wednesday, February 24, 2021

TINNITUS.... Why My Ears Are Ringing And Should I Worry?

Tinnitus is a sensation of noises in the ear   like ringing, blowing, whistling. Severity of this condition varies from trivial to completely disabling. The way patient reacts depends on the personality trait .Some  learn to live with it, but in others ,it may lead to emotional distress, sleep disturbance, concentration problem and cognitive functioning impairment. 
Tinnitus can be Subjective (  perceived by the patient only) and Objective. It is usually associated with certain ear conditions be it, external  ear canal, middle ear or inner ear like hearing loss due to ageing, noise induced hearing loss. 
Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, thyroid  disorders can cause tinnitus. Certain medicines can  also be the cause. Anxiety, depression, familial inheritance also may manifest as tinnitus. 
Other causes are due to TMJ ( joint between upper and lower jaw), myoclonus of ear muscles (tensor tympani) Eustachian tube dysfunction. 
Pulsatile tinnitus ( sound like heart beat or pulse) can be due to arteriovenous malformation or certain  vascular tumours. 


When tinnitus is associated with one sided hearing loss, imbalance or vertigo ,facial weakness, or pulsatile tinnitus, sudden onset of hearing loss ,one need to seek immediate medical help. Ear conditions like  otosclerosis, meniers disease, sudden SNHL( hearing loss), can cause tinnitus.
 ( wax which is a common condition can also cause tinnitus ) 

Ancient times it was treated as Bewitched ear. 
Detailed history, and examination needed and treatment  done according to the CAUSE. 
Tinnitus maskers, hearing aids, sound therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy  are some of the treatment  modalities. 


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