Hearing loss can be from birth ( congenital) or acquired ( due to various causes) and it is one of the cause of disability. Certain guidelines have been made by WHO on prevention of hearing loss, from drugs that harm the ears (ototoxic), chronic ear infections (COM) and noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) .
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary level of prevention
PRIMARY level of prevention is for genetic and infectious conditions. Genetic counselling, and advice regarding avoidance of consanguinous marriage ( blood relations) as three - quarters of genetic hearing loss are autosomal recessive ( transmitted through families).
Infections that can cause hearing loss which can be prevented by immunization are measles, mumps, rubella ,pnuemococcal infections etc . Early diagnosis and treatment, health education, avoidance of certain drugs are also included.
Doing hearing screening for newborn especially preterm, or for those with family history of hearing loss, treated in NICU.
Traumatic causes, due to physical trauma, barotrauma ( pressure difference) noise exposure. Here avoidance, early diagnosis and treatment and ( avoidance of ototoxic medications and monitoring while taking medicines).
Lifestyle improvement advice given, to prevent other diseases which may contribute to hearing loss. Health education regarding proper hygiene, nutrition ( poor nutrition and poor hygiene can cause frequent upper respiratory infections and ear infections ).
SECONDARY prevention by screening, early identification of person with hearing loss and treatment. Public education regarding noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), use of ear protection devices( factory workers, entertainment ( loud music) , aviation sector)
Those who don't have any hearing problems, please take care of your precious gift. Don't do anything thing that can harm your earsπ like over use of ear phones, loud music, frequent use of buds or wick. TAKE PROPER CARE OF YOUR EARS.